While this game is easy to learn, Indian rummy is also quite challenging for first-time players. Understanding when one should play a hand and when one should give up can be one of the toughest decisions a player has to make during the game. Using the acumen during such situations may help but experience in playing the game also matters. We hope to disclose some such tricky situations where the player may get confused whether to quit or play.
Read along to know how to choose to pass or play the game of rummy:
When There Is No Scope Of Forming Sequences Or Sets
A sequence is an arrangement of cards in the order of their value. The cards should be of the same sign in a sequence and should be arranged in ascending or descending value. When you are playing a series game of rummy, you have the option to pass a turn at the beginning of the game or half way through the game. If you do not have a natural (pure) sequence in your hand then forming life can be difficult. It is thus wise to choose first drop and get away from your turn with minimal points charged.
Sets are a combination of cards of the same value but of different signs. For example, 2 of hearts, 2 of spades and 2 of diamonds can form a set. If you do not see the scope to form any sets, it can be regarded as a bad hand and you may consider discarding it right at the beginning.
When You Are Having Difficulty Completing Your Life
Till life is completed, your hand is regarded as a full hand in rummy games. This is the reason why you need to discard your hand at the beginning itself if you see no chance of making life. Even if you have started playing and seem to make no progress after playing a few turns, you can consider choosing second drop over losing a full hand.
When You Have Many High Point Cards To Dispose
Unless high point cards are the part of sequences or sets, they are a nuisance. That is why if you have many highpoint cards worth disposing and which may not form part of a sequence, it is better to quit. This will save you from a bigger loss if the opponent calls it rummy.
When You Observe The Opponent Disposing Low Point Cards
Observant players always make it big in rummy. A person starts disposing low point cards continually when his life is complete and he has disposed off the waste high point cards. This is a clear indication that he may win the game soon. As a stringent player, you must make use of this knowledge to choose a second drop if you haven’t formed your life yet. It will protect you from losing more points.
When You Do Not Have Any Jokers And Probability Of Completing Sequences
Jokers act like bonus points in rummy games. They help you complete the sequences and sets once the pure sequence is complete. Now, if you have a hand that has very few jokers, it would be better to choose first drop and get away with minimal penalty. If you hold onto such a hand, the chances are that you will lose much more points later.
How First Drop And Second Drop Help?
The main benefit of choosing first drop or second drop in series games is by losing lesser points. In the series games, victory and defeat are decided at the end of the series based on total points. First and second drop can help reduce overall points and thus increase your chances of winning the series.