We surely have come a long way in terms of communication. Earlier generations would ever have guessed that contact can be this quick and easy. A long time ago, it would take weeks and even months before friends and family can hear from you; the only real form of communication was through letters. Now we have computers, telephones and mobile phones. With the help of the said devices, we can talk to anyone, anywhere in the world and receive a reply in just a blink of an eye. Out of these communication devices, we’ll only focus on mobile devices and how it changed in the past two decades.
The Evolution of Mobile Phones
Mobile phones were once considered as luxury and luxury only, but now it has become a necessity; it’s rare to find an employee, student or any person for that matter, who can fully function in their everyday lives without a mobile phone. The earlier models were bulky, the features were not as many but the mobile phone itself was considerably stronger. The appearance of those mobile phones holds nostalgic value. Let’s take a look at a couple of the most notable mobile phones in the past two decades.
- IBM Simon (1994)
It is known that the IBM Simon was the initial mobile phone that used software applications or apps. These apps required a stylus touch screen, at the time people from all over the world wanted to experience this new technology. It costs $899 and worked exclusively in the USA; it operated in only 15 states.
- Nokia Communicator Series (1996)
Appearing as a normal, everyday mobile phone on the outside, the main feature would be the clamshell case containing a QWERTY keyboard and LCD screen.
- Ericsson R380 (2000)
The initial device that was marketed ad dubbed as ‘smartphone.’ The Ericcson R380 made a groundbreaking appearance because of its small ad extremely light frame. It was also the first device to use Symbian OS.
- The Palm Treo (2002)
Originally developed and manufactured by Handspring and later bought by Palm, the Palm Treo coated tons of features. Some of the features include sending emails, allowing the user to check the calendar while they’re on call and direct dial.
- Blackberry Quark (2003)
The first ever mobile phone that offered integrated voice calling. Before it, users required headsets just to make a call.
- Apple iPhone (2007)
Thanks to the launching of the Apple iPhone, smartphones were launched into the mainstream part of like; mainly because of the amazing design of the mobile phone and the user interface. It’s also the first ever mobile phone to only use finger touch instead of keypad, keyboard or stylus.
- HTC Dream or Google S (2008)
The initial mobile device that featured the Linux-based Android OS, it was purchased and developed by Google later on.
- Samsung Galaxy S (2010)
The Samsung Galaxy S smartphone is the third installment I its series, all products by Samsung. As we all know, Samsung was the first every major competitor of Apple ad it still is today; the fierce competition began with this phone.
- Razr by Motorola (2011)
The Razr by Motorola was the theist smartphone of its time and none in the world compared; it was only 7.11 mm thick.
- iPhone 5s by Apple
The highest selling phone in 2013, it was the first of Apple’s line to incorporate a fingerprint recognition system directly on the home button. The fingerprint system was used to unlock the phone as well as to authenticate purchases on the App Store and on iTunes.